Israeli Folk Dancing


I started Israeli Folk Dancing in 2006 and rapidly became addicted to it. I have found that the best way for me to learn the dances is to write out the steps so that I can visualise them and also practise them at home. When I mentioned this to other dancers at my beginners classes, they expressed an interest in getting a copy of these steps to improve their learning. I thus created this web site and will post the steps to dances as I write them out.

The glossary page contains the abbreviations and names and definitions of standard step sequences that I use in my notes.

Each of the dances in the dance steps is a pdf document and so you will need the free Adobe reader to read them. I have chosen this format as it makes it easy for me to publish in a clear format and keep the published pages aligned with my local copy of the steps. Any errors or omissions in the dance steps are purely my own. I have tried to reproduce them as I have been taught.

You will find other dance resources on the links page.

Happy dancing,

Martin Imber.